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Культурологические экспедиционные круизы

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Types of penguins to watch out for on your Antarctic voyage

Planning a once-in-a-lifetime Antarctic voyage with Swan Hellenic? One experience you don't want to miss is seeing the iconic penguins found there. You’ll never forget seeing these enchanting birds in their natural habitat. As you can probably imagine, the adorable antics of penguins have charmed countless explorers over the years! But with 18 penguin species found worldwide, which penguin species are you most likely to see on your cruise? Read on to discover the different kynds of penguins found in the frozen continent…Different speciesWith so many types of penguins, it’s worth knowing which ...
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Exploring the majestic Norwegian fjords

Dreaming of a trip that's as breathtaking as it is unique?Then look no further than the Norwegian fjords. Picture towering mountains carved by glaciers over thousands of years, plunging into deep clear waters. And lush, green forests, quaint villages and farms nestled in valleys, and sparkling waterfalls as they tumble down from cliffs. Whether you’re searching for adventure, looking for natural wonders, or want to see some of the world’s most stunning scenery, the fjords of Norway have something for everyone – including you! Let's dive in and explore what makes the Norwegian fjords such a gre...
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Expecting the Unexpected with Swan Hellenic’s Joe Chan

Expedition Activities · Stories
Wondering what kind of exciting stuff will happen on an expedition cruise? We caught up with Joe Chan, Assistant Expedition Leader at Swan Hellenic, to talk polar bears, Zodiac trips, whale watching and more…Hey Joe, what do you enjoy most about working with Swan Hellenic?Joe: I really enjoy taking guests out to see wildlife in nature, and I’ve traveled through Europe, been to Antarctica, the Arctic, East Africa, and the Caribbean, and had some really great experiences.Could tell us a bit about your background?Joe: I started out working on bigger cruise lines and moved to Swan Hellenic around ...
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Whale Watching: A Unique Experience

Whale watching offers a remarkable opportunity to observe some of the ocean's most majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Whether it’s witnessing humpback whales breach or observing grey whales during migration, these encounters are unforgettable. This activity combines the thrill of spotting whales with the serene beauty of the ocean, providing a connection to marine wildlife that is both awe-inspiring and educational.Best Places for Whale WatchingWhen looking for the best places for whale watching, several top destinations around the world come to mind. Locations like Alaska, where wha...
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Onboard Safety and More with Swan Hellenic’s Jenny Koivunen

Our World · Stories
Onboard safety, being Staff Captain, and watching spaceships being built?! We caught up with Swan Hellenic’s Staff Captain, Jenny Koivunen, to learn about this and more…Hi Jenny, how did you become involved in expedition voyages?Jenny: When I was growing up, there was a shipyard near where I lived in Finland where they were building a huge cruise ship. For me, it was like they were building a spaceship! From then on, I knew I wanted to work on boats one day. I started working onboard ships in 2012 and was an officer on Ro-Ro vessels, icebreakers, and cruise ships from 2016. I joined Swan Helle...
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Представляем гастрономические круизы Maris 2025!

Our World · Partnerships
Мы объявили о продолжении гастрономических круизов Maris в 2025 году на борту элегантных и стильных лайнеров SH Diana и SH Vega. Каждое эксклюзивное путешествие Maris демонстрирует выдающиеся творческие способности одного из всемирно известных шеф-поваров ассоциации рестораторов и молодых шеф-поваров JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs в возрасте до 40 лет, которые уже завоевали международное признание, включая звезды Мишлен. В 2025 году в рамках гастрономического проекта Maris будет предложено на выбор 10 специально подобранных маршрутов от Арктики до Европы сразу на двух мега-яхтах Swan Hellenic – 9 ...
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Экспедиция как приключение с Сэмом Ганьоном из Swan Hellenic

Expedition Activities · Stories
Встречи с огромными морскими слонами, наблюдение за игривыми горбатыми китами и посещение Эдема? Руководитель экспедиционного департамента Swan Hellenic Сэм Ганьон рассказывает о приключениях во время экспедиций и многом другом...Как вы впервые заинтересовались экспедиционными круизами?Сэм: В 2003 году я начал работать видеографом на больших круизных лайнерах. Я обратил внимание на небольшие круизные суда и загорелся идеей участия в экспедициях. Так я устроился работать на экспедиционное судно. Впоследствии я стал гидом, а затем и экспедиционным лидером!Расскажите нам о своей работе в Swan Hel...
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Приключение мечты ждет вас в Латинской Америке

Expedition Activities · Stories
Находитесь в поисках следующего большого приключения? Почему бы не исследовать очаровательное побережье Латинской Америки? Погрузитесь в древние культуры, завораживающие пейзажи и невероятную дикую природу. Отправляйтесь навстречу приключениям, в путешествие воспоминания от которого останутся с вами навсегда. В нашей статье узнайте больше о трех удивительных, уникальных путешествиях, которые вы точно не захотите пропустить…Вдоль берегов Южной АмерикиЭто 13-дневное путешествие из Аргентины в Чили, пройдет по следам знаменитой экспедиции Чарльза Дарвина. Из Ушуайи, самого южного города в мире, в...
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